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Paediatric Care

Dr. Carla is most passionate about working with childhood development and has over a decade of experience working with both neuro-typical children and children with special needs. Staying at the forefront of advancements in chiropractic paediatrics, Dr. Carla has undertaken significant post graduate study in the field, including an intensive two-year Diplomate in Chiropractic Neuro-Developmental Paediatrics. She is truly excited about optimising children’s health and development.

Dr. Carla’s approach to paediatric care is very gentle and she adapts her care to ensure all children feel as safe and comfortable as possible. This means she could be working with them on the table, while sitting with their parents, in their wheel chair and even while playing on the floor.

Assessments include developmental milestones, primitive and postural reflexes, motor (muscle) tone, functional neurology, postural alignment, spinal and limb motion and more. Home care exercises are modified according to the child’s age and ability, and Dr. Carla always has the intention to make home care simple and playful.

Many children, especially those with special needs, have a team supporting their growth and development and for this reason Dr. Carla often refers to and collaborates with Medical Specialists, GPs, Occupational Therapists, Psychologists, Speech Pathologists, Dentists, Physiotherapists, Naturopaths, Dieticians and many more.

Dr. Carla uses a variety of techniques including cranial therapy, SOT, activator, manual diversified, muscle rehabilitation, soft tissue massage and release, cold laser therapy, and functional neurology.

Safety of Chiropractic in Children

In March 2019, the Victorian Government lead an independent review into the safety of chiropractic and spinal manipulation in children under 12 years of age called the Safer Care Victoria Review.

There were 21, 824 public submissions and the results are as follows:

99.7% reported a positive experience with chiropractic care of their children

98% said that chiropractic care helped their child, indicating improvement after treatment

95.8% stated they were ‘ satisfied’ or ‘very satisfied’ with the information provided about the risk of treatment

99.1% indicated they were either ‘satisfied’ or ‘very satisfied’ with information provided about benefits of treatment

68.9% reported that they had also consulted with a GP about the problem

In Australia, there has never been a serious adverse event reported in the literature or insurance claims involving the care of a child by a chiropractor. The evidence is showing the risk of harm is low because chiropractors modify treatment techniques appropriately to suit the age and individual needs of the patient.

Safer Care Victoria performed a systematised review of the evidence on the effectiveness of chiropractic care in children and have highlighted that further research is required. SCV have recommended funding to be allocated to develop a higher level of evidence in the area.


Australian Chiropractors Association (2019. Chiropractic Care for Children. Available at:  Safer Care Victoria (2019). Chiropractic spinal manipulation of children under 12 – independent review. Available at: